Italia e Estero

India, almeno 4 morti per una valanga al confine con Tibet

epa10452775 A general view of Polish Tatra mountains on Kasprowy Wierch, near Zakopane, Poland, 07 February 2023. After consultations with TOPR rescuers, the authorities of the Tatra National Park (TPN) decided to open most tourist and ski trails. The avalanche risk has dropped from the fourth to the third degree. EPA/Grzegorz Momot POLAND OUT
epa10452775 A general view of Polish Tatra mountains on Kasprowy Wierch, near Zakopane, Poland, 07 February 2023. After consultations with TOPR rescuers, the authorities of the Tatra National Park (TPN) decided to open most tourist and ski trails. The avalanche risk has dropped from the fourth to the third degree. EPA/Grzegorz Momot POLAND OUT

DEHRADUN, 01 MAR - Almeno quattro persone sono state confermate morte e cinque sono ancora disperse dopo che una valanga ha colpito una remota zona di confine in India. Lo ha reso noto l'esercito. Almeno 55 operai sono rimasti sepolti sotto la neve e i detriti dopo che la valanga che ieri ha travolto un cantiere vicino a un villaggio al confine con il Tibet.

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