Italia e Estero

India, almeno 15 morti in ressa durante pellegrinaggio indù

epa11067404 Indian Hindus pilgrims wait in line for a check-up at Babughat transit camp as they head towards Gangasagar Island ahead of Ganga Sagar annual fair in Kolkata, Eastern India 10 January 2024. Ganga Sagar Fair is an annual gathering of Hindu pilgrims during Makar Sankranti at Sagar Island to take a dip in sacred waters of Ganga River before it merges in the Bay of Bengal. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY
epa11067404 Indian Hindus pilgrims wait in line for a check-up at Babughat transit camp as they head towards Gangasagar Island ahead of Ganga Sagar annual fair in Kolkata, Eastern India 10 January 2024. Ganga Sagar Fair is an annual gathering of Hindu pilgrims during Makar Sankranti at Sagar Island to take a dip in sacred waters of Ganga River before it merges in the Bay of Bengal. EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY

(ANSA-AFP) - PRAYAGRAJ, 29 GEN - E' di almeno 15 morti il primo bilancio della ressa scoppiata durante il pellegrinaggio indù del Kumbh Mela, a Prayagraj, nel nord dell'India. Soccorritori e fedeli hanno evacuato le vittime, alcune inanimate, dal luogo dell'incidente. Molti i feriti, che sono stati condotti negli ospedali della zona. (ANSA-AFP).

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