Italia e Estero

In Russia già 14.000 evacuati per inondazioni a Orenburg

epa11273190 An aerial photo taken with a drone shows the flooded residential area of the outskirts of Orenburg, Orenburg region, Russia, 11 April 2024. The flood situation in the Orenburg region has reached its peak; the most difficult situation is in Orenburg, regional governor Denis Pasler told Russian President Putin. According to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the water level in the Ural River has risen to 1060 cm. 2028 residential buildings and 2522 household plots remain in the flood zone. The authorities of the Orenburg region reported that 7.8 thousand people, including 2,117 children, were evacuated from flooded households and personal plots. The most difficult flood situation remains in Orsk, Orenburg, Orenburg and Ilek regions. EPA/STRINGER
epa11273190 An aerial photo taken with a drone shows the flooded residential area of the outskirts of Orenburg, Orenburg region, Russia, 11 April 2024. The flood situation in the Orenburg region has reached its peak; the most difficult situation is in Orenburg, regional governor Denis Pasler told Russian President Putin. According to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the water level in the Ural River has risen to 1060 cm. 2028 residential buildings and 2522 household plots remain in the flood zone. The authorities of the Orenburg region reported that 7.8 thousand people, including 2,117 children, were evacuated from flooded households and personal plots. The most difficult flood situation remains in Orsk, Orenburg, Orenburg and Ilek regions. EPA/STRINGER

ORENBURG, 13 APR - In Russia, oltre 14.000 sono già state evacuate, e altre se ne aggiungono ogni ora, dalla città di Orenburg e dintorni, nella regione russa degli Urali, non lontano dal confine con il Kazakhistan, investita da nubifragi e conseguenti inondazioni. In alcuni punti il livello dell'acqua esondata dal fiume Ural ha toccato gli 11,7 metri, oltre 40 centimetri in più rispetto a ieri. Lo rendono noto le autorità locali, fra cui il sindaco di Orenburg, capoluogo dell'omonima regione russa. L'inondazione ha investito quartieri residenziali della città, originata dalle piogge torrenziali innescate da un anomalo incremento delle temperature. Diverse le strade allagate, con il conseguente isolamento di alcune aree.

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