Italia e Estero

In Cina sotto silenzio i 5 anni dalla prima morte per Covid

epa08400756 A vendor wearing a mask sales meat on Xihua Farmer's Market in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China, 04 May 2020. After the coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak China brought new regulations for the trade and consumption of wild animals. Although most animals like turtles, frogs, snakes and scorpions are banned since late February 2020, on Xihua Farmer's Market in Guangzhou turtles and frogs are sold openly and vendors are willing to bring scorpions on buyer's demand. The government is yet to define meaning of 'wild animals' as it brings confusion to most of the vendors and buyers on wet markets. Covid-19 is believed to be originated from the wet market in Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, where wild animals were sold. EPA/ALEX PLAVEVSKI ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa08400756 A vendor wearing a mask sales meat on Xihua Farmer's Market in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China, 04 May 2020. After the coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak China brought new regulations for the trade and consumption of wild animals. Although most animals like turtles, frogs, snakes and scorpions are banned since late February 2020, on Xihua Farmer's Market in Guangzhou turtles and frogs are sold openly and vendors are willing to bring scorpions on buyer's demand. The government is yet to define meaning of 'wild animals' as it brings confusion to most of the vendors and buyers on wet markets. Covid-19 is believed to be originated from the wet market in Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, where wild animals were sold. EPA/ALEX PLAVEVSKI ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

PECHINO, 11 GEN - E' passato sotto silenzio in Cina il primo anniversario, che cade oggi, della prima vittima ufficiale del Covid-19: pandemia che nel grande Paese asiatico, dove ufficialmente ebbe inizio, è ancora argomento tabù. Il primo morto, nella città di Wuhan, successivamente messa in lockdown con tutti i suoi 11 milioni di abitanti, fu un uomo di 61 anni, che si arrese a complicazioni polmonari causate dal virus allora sconosciuto. La sua morte fu, tuttavia, tenuta segreta per varie settimane, fino a quando le infezioni accertate divennero numerose e si riuscì a individuare il virus responsabile. Sui social media cinesi l'evento è del tutto assente, con l'eccezione di Douyin - la versione cinese di Tik Tok -, dove si riporta un breve ricordo ufficiale dell'evento vistato dal Partito comunista.

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