Italia e Estero

Il Pkk annuncia il cessate il fuoco con la Turchia

epa11928266 A supporter of Turkish pro-Kurdish Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM) holds a placards reading 'Good night dear' while gathering with others to watch on a screen a press conference of a DEM delegation following their visit to jailed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan, in Diyarbakir, Turkey, 27 February 2025. At the press conference of the DEM on 27 February, a letter from the imprisoned PKK militant leader was read, in which Abdullah Ocalan called on the Kurdish group to lay down their arms. EPA/STRINGER
epa11928266 A supporter of Turkish pro-Kurdish Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM) holds a placards reading 'Good night dear' while gathering with others to watch on a screen a press conference of a DEM delegation following their visit to jailed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan, in Diyarbakir, Turkey, 27 February 2025. At the press conference of the DEM on 27 February, a letter from the imprisoned PKK militant leader was read, in which Abdullah Ocalan called on the Kurdish group to lay down their arms. EPA/STRINGER

ISTANBUL, 01 MAR - Il Partito dei Lavoratori del Kurdistan (Pkk), il gruppo armato curdo che Ankara considera un'organizzazione terroristica, ha annunciato il cessate il fuoco con la Turchia: lo riporta l'agenzia di stampa del Pkk. L'annuncio segue l'appello del leader del partito, Abdullah Ocalan, che dal carcere ha chiesto al suo gruppo di abbandonare le armi e di sciogliersi.

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