Italia e Estero

Il partito Sns di Vucic trionfa a Belgrado, stando ai primi dati

epa11385567 Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic casts his ballot during the local and municipal elections in Belgrade, 02 June 2024. Voting in Serbia's local and municipal elections, including those in Belgrade, started with significant opposition division as some parties boycotted due to alleged unfair conditions. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) will observe the elections to ensure compliance with democratic standards, following concerns over previous election irregularities. EPA/ANDREJ CUKIC
epa11385567 Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic casts his ballot during the local and municipal elections in Belgrade, 02 June 2024. Voting in Serbia's local and municipal elections, including those in Belgrade, started with significant opposition division as some parties boycotted due to alleged unfair conditions. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) will observe the elections to ensure compliance with democratic standards, following concerns over previous election irregularities. EPA/ANDREJ CUKIC

BELGRADO, 02 GIU - Il Partito del progresso serbo (Sns, conservatore), guidato dal premier Milos Vucevic e che fa capo al presidente Aleksandar Vucic, avrebbe largamente vinto le elezioni amministrative svoltesi oggi a Belgrado e in altri 66 Comuni. Stando ai primi dati preliminari diffusi dall'Istituto di ricerche demoscopiche Cesid/Ipsos, a Belgrado l'Sns avrebbe ottenuto il 53% dei voti, seguito a grande distanza da due formazioni schierate all'opposizione - 'Anch'io sono Belgrado' e 'Scegliamo Belgrado' - date rispettivamente al 17% e al 12,6%.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
