Italia e Estero

Il Likud replica a Gantz, 'il governo va avanti'

epaselect epa10690089 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends his Likud Party meeting ahead of voting in the Israeli Knesset on the judges selection committee in Jerusalem, 14 June 2023. The committee for the selection of judges is one of the main points of contention between the opposition and the coalition government in the controversial judicial reform EPA/ABIR SULTAN
epaselect epa10690089 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends his Likud Party meeting ahead of voting in the Israeli Knesset on the judges selection committee in Jerusalem, 14 June 2023. The committee for the selection of judges is one of the main points of contention between the opposition and the coalition government in the controversial judicial reform EPA/ABIR SULTAN

TEL AVIV, 03 APR - "Gantz deve smetterla di occuparsi di 'piccola politica', il governo andrà avanti fino a che non raggiungerà tutti gli obiettivi della guerra". Questa la replica del Likud del premier Benyamin Netanyahu alla dichiarazione del ministro del gabinetto di guerra - e leader centrista - Benny Gantz che ha invocato elezioni anticipate per settembre.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
