'Il capo del Centcom Michel Kurilla è in Medio Oriente'

epa10409077 David Barnea Director of Mossad (C) Ronen Bar director of Shin Bet (L) defense minister Yoav Galant (2C) US military general Michael Kurilla (R) during a change of Command honor guard ceremony at the Ministry of Defense headquarters in the Kriya base in Tel Aviv, Israel , 16 January 2023 . Herzi Halevi has been promoted from the rank of Major-General to the one of Lieutenant-General and sworn during a festive ceremony in presence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Halevi replaced ex Lieutenant-General Aviv Kochavi who retired after four years as the head of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) and 40 years as soldier. EPA/ABIR SULTAN
NEW YORK, 03 AGO - Il capo dell Centro di Comando americano (Centcom), il generale Michael Kurilla, è arrivato in Medio Oriente mentre continuano i preparativi per un possibile attacco a Israele da parte dell'Iran. Lo riporta Axios citando alcune fonti.
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