Italia e Estero

Idf, 'missile dallo Yemen su Israele, è stato intercettato'

epa11551767 Houthi supporters display a mock missile during an anti-US and Israel protest in Sana'a, Yemen, 16 August 2024. Thousands of people participated in the rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemning the US support for Israel's military operation in the Gaza Strip, amid escalating tensions over the Houthis' maritime attacks in the seas around Yemen. The protest came a day after Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi vowed to launch an anti-Israel retaliatory operation and step up missile and drone attacks on shipping lanes in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in retaliation for Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip. The Houthi leader claimed that the US has carried out at least ten airstrikes in Yemen over the past week. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11551767 Houthi supporters display a mock missile during an anti-US and Israel protest in Sana'a, Yemen, 16 August 2024. Thousands of people participated in the rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemning the US support for Israel's military operation in the Gaza Strip, amid escalating tensions over the Houthis' maritime attacks in the seas around Yemen. The protest came a day after Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi vowed to launch an anti-Israel retaliatory operation and step up missile and drone attacks on shipping lanes in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in retaliation for Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip. The Houthi leader claimed that the US has carried out at least ten airstrikes in Yemen over the past week. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

TEL AVIV, 27 SET - Gli allarmi anti missile sono scattati poco prima della mezzanotte italiana in tutto il centro di Israele, tra l'altro a Gush Dan, nella pianura di Yehuda e anche nel sud di Sharon, per l'arrivo di un missile lanciato dallo Yemen. Il portavoce dell'Idf ha informato che "il missile lanciato dallo Yemen è stato intercettato con successo dal sistema Arrow. Le esplosioni sentite dalla popolazione sono state provocate dall'intercettazione". Circa due settimane fa gli Houthi hanno lanciato un altro missile nel centro del Paese che è stato intercettato "parzialmente". Finora Israele non ha risposto.

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