Italia e Estero

Idf, '100 razzi sparati dal Libano sul nord di Israele'

epa11629393 The Israeli Iron Dome air defense system intercepts missiles fired from south Lebanon, in Upper Galilee, northern Israel, 27 September 2024. Israel's military stated on 27 September, that the Israel Air Force (IAF) launched dozens of strikes targeting Hezbollah cells and infrastructure in several areas in southern Lebanon. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11629393 The Israeli Iron Dome air defense system intercepts missiles fired from south Lebanon, in Upper Galilee, northern Israel, 27 September 2024. Israel's military stated on 27 September, that the Israel Air Force (IAF) launched dozens of strikes targeting Hezbollah cells and infrastructure in several areas in southern Lebanon. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

TEL AVIV, 02 OTT - Cento razzi sono stati lanciati in mattinata dal Libano sul nord di Israele, 10 abitazioni sono state danneggiate a Metula da colpi diretti. Hezbollah ha sparato anche su Kiryat e sulla Galilea occidentale. Gli allarmi sono continui nella parte settentrionale dello Stato ebraico. Lo riferisce l'Idf.

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