Italia e Estero

I Paesi del Golfo all'Ue, 'uno Stato palestinese per la pace'

epa11662597 European Council President Charles Michel (R) and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (L) welcome Kuwait's Prime Minister Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah at the EU-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit in Brussels, Belgium, 16 October 2024. This is the first summit between the EU leaders and the GCC, aiming to develop a closer partnership. The European Union is the second-largest trade partner for the GCC countries, generating €170 billion in trade in 2023, imports of mineral fuels accounted for over 75% of EU imports from GCC countries. Since 2020, fuel imports have more than tripled mainly due to the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine. EPA/JOHANNA GERON / POOL
epa11662597 European Council President Charles Michel (R) and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (L) welcome Kuwait's Prime Minister Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah at the EU-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit in Brussels, Belgium, 16 October 2024. This is the first summit between the EU leaders and the GCC, aiming to develop a closer partnership. The European Union is the second-largest trade partner for the GCC countries, generating €170 billion in trade in 2023, imports of mineral fuels accounted for over 75% of EU imports from GCC countries. Since 2020, fuel imports have more than tripled mainly due to the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine. EPA/JOHANNA GERON / POOL

BRUXELLES, 16 OTT - E' necessario "rilanciare il processo di pace in Medio Oriente per rispondere alle aspirazioni del popolo palestinese di creare un loro Stato indipendente con Gerusalemme Est" come capitale "sulla linea del 1967: questa continua a essere l'unica possibilità per la sicurezza e la stabilità nella regione". Lo ha detto il segretario generale del Consiglio di cooperazione del Golfo (Ccg), Nayef Falah Mubarak Al Hajraf, al vertice Ue-Golfo. "Da tempo abbiamo indicato l'importanza della de-escalation, con soluzioni politiche e dialogo diplomatico per evitare alla regione e al mondo una maggiore instabilità e distruzione", ha sottolineato.

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