Italia e Estero

I fratelli Tate lasciano la Romania dopo due anni ai domiciliari

epa11815042 Former professional kickboxer and social media influencer Andrew Tate (L) and his brother Tristan (R) waves to reporters after a hearing on return of confiscated goods at Bucharest Court in Bucharest, Romania, 09 January 2025. Police had confiscated luxury cars, cash, and other belongings from the Tate property in Voluntari. Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan were arrested on 29 December 2022 as a result of the DIICOT (Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism) inquiry on charges of human trafficking and intention to form an organized crime group. Romanian police stated that the two brothers and their associates coerced victims for creating a paid pornography service for social media platforms. The trial itself has not started yet, as the appeal court judges sent the case back to DIICOT prosecutors by a decision made at the end of 2024. In a social media post from 06 January 2025, Tate brothers announced their intention to create a new political party in UK called Britain Restoring Underlying Values (BRUV). EPA/Robert Ghement
epa11815042 Former professional kickboxer and social media influencer Andrew Tate (L) and his brother Tristan (R) waves to reporters after a hearing on return of confiscated goods at Bucharest Court in Bucharest, Romania, 09 January 2025. Police had confiscated luxury cars, cash, and other belongings from the Tate property in Voluntari. Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan were arrested on 29 December 2022 as a result of the DIICOT (Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism) inquiry on charges of human trafficking and intention to form an organized crime group. Romanian police stated that the two brothers and their associates coerced victims for creating a paid pornography service for social media platforms. The trial itself has not started yet, as the appeal court judges sent the case back to DIICOT prosecutors by a decision made at the end of 2024. In a social media post from 06 January 2025, Tate brothers announced their intention to create a new political party in UK called Britain Restoring Underlying Values (BRUV). EPA/Robert Ghement

ROMA, 27 FEB - I fratelli Andrew e Tristan Tate, influencer di origine romena con doppia cittadinanza americana e britannica arrestati due anni e mezzo fa durante un soggiorno in Romania con varie accuse tra cui sfruttamento della prostituzione, secondo media locali hanno lasciato questa mattina il Paese a bordo di un aereo privato alla volta della Florida. Il volo, scrive online, sarebbe partito alle cinque del mattino di oggi dall'aeroporto di Baneasa. Dieci giorni fa, secondo il Financial Times, l'inviato Usa Richard Grenell era intervenuto presso il ministro degli Esteri romeno in loro favore. Andrew e Tristan Tate erano agli arresti domiciliari per il presunto sfruttamento sessuale di 34 donne; la Corte d'appello di Bucarest avrebbe però accolto il ricorso della Direzione per le indagini sulla criminalità organizzata e il terrorismo (Diicot) volto a sollevarli dall'obbligo di non lasciare il Paese, pur senza specificare chi ha presentato tale richiesta e chi l'ha accolta. precisa che non è chiaro al momento se le restrizioni siano state del tutto revocate per i fratelli Tate e, in tal caso, chi le abbia revocate.

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