Italia e Estero

Houthi, sale a 15 morti il bilancio dei raid Usa nello Yemen

epa11956925 Houthi supporters chant slogans and brandish weapons during a protest against Israel's blockade of Gaza aid in Sana'a, Yemen, 11 March 2025. Yemen's Houthi leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, has threatened that his group will resume maritime attacks against Israel if it does not lift its blockade of aid into the Gaza Strip. The Houthis had launched numerous drone and missile attacks targeting Israeli cities and shipping vessels in the Red Sea over 2024 in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11956925 Houthi supporters chant slogans and brandish weapons during a protest against Israel's blockade of Gaza aid in Sana'a, Yemen, 11 March 2025. Yemen's Houthi leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, has threatened that his group will resume maritime attacks against Israel if it does not lift its blockade of aid into the Gaza Strip. The Houthis had launched numerous drone and missile attacks targeting Israeli cities and shipping vessels in the Red Sea over 2024 in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

SANAA, 16 MAR - E' salito a 15 morti il bilancio dei raid statunitensi nello Yemen: lo rende noto il sito web di notizie dei ribelli, Ansarollah. Secondo questa fonte, nove persone sono state uccise in un "attacco anglo-americano" nel distretto di al-Jarf della capitale Sanaa, e altre sei in altre parti del Paese.

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