Italia e Estero

Harris vola al confine col Messico e attacca Trump

epa11627258 US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in the Vice President's Ceremonial Office in Washington, DC, USA, 26 September 2024. President Biden on 26 September announced a 2.4 billion Dollars in military assistance, under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, among other military aids to Ukraine, and plans to convene a leader-level meeting of key allies to coordinate additional support when he visits Germany next month. EPA/TING SHEN / POOL
epa11627258 US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in the Vice President's Ceremonial Office in Washington, DC, USA, 26 September 2024. President Biden on 26 September announced a 2.4 billion Dollars in military assistance, under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, among other military aids to Ukraine, and plans to convene a leader-level meeting of key allies to coordinate additional support when he visits Germany next month. EPA/TING SHEN / POOL

WASHINGTON, 27 SET - "Il popolo americano merita un presidente che si preoccupi di più della sicurezza dei confini che di fare giochi politici": lo afferma Kamala Harris, secondo un estratto del discorso che terrà oggi durante la sua visita al confine col Messico, con l'obiettivo di recuperare terreno sul fronte dell'immigrazione nei confronti del suo rivale Donald Trump.

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