Italia e Estero

Harris accetta l'invito Cnn per il duello tv e sfida Trump

epa11597568 Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump (L) and Democratic presidential candidate US Vice President Kamala Harris during a presidential debate hosted by ABC News at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 10 September 2024. The 90 minute event is the only planned debate between the two candidates in the 2024 presidential election. EPA/DEMETRIUS FREEMAN / POOL
epa11597568 Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump (L) and Democratic presidential candidate US Vice President Kamala Harris during a presidential debate hosted by ABC News at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 10 September 2024. The 90 minute event is the only planned debate between the two candidates in the 2024 presidential election. EPA/DEMETRIUS FREEMAN / POOL

WASHINGTON, 21 SET - Kamala Harris ha accettato l'invito della Cnn per un dibattito il 23 ottobre ad Atlanta e ha rilanciato la sfida al suo avversario repubblicano. "La vicepresidente Harris è pronta per un'altra opportunità di condividere il palco con Donald Trump", ha dichiarato in una nota la presidente della campagna Jen O'Malley Dillon. "Donald Trump non dovrebbe avere problemi ad accettare questo dibattito".

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