Italia e Estero

Hamas ha consegnato i corpi di 4 ostaggi alla Croce Rossa

epaselect epa11925915 Participants place candles, flowers and orange balloons, during a protest in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, 26 February 2025. The protest was held to honor the lives of killed Israeli hostages of the family Bibas and to protest against Hamas terror. The bodies of four Israeli hostages, including those of Shiri Bibas and her young sons Ariel and Kfir, were returned to Israel on 20 February as part of the ongoing Gaza ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
epaselect epa11925915 Participants place candles, flowers and orange balloons, during a protest in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, 26 February 2025. The protest was held to honor the lives of killed Israeli hostages of the family Bibas and to protest against Hamas terror. The bodies of four Israeli hostages, including those of Shiri Bibas and her young sons Ariel and Kfir, were returned to Israel on 20 February as part of the ongoing Gaza ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN

ROMA, 26 FEB - Un funzionario della sicurezza israeliano ha detto che Hamas ha consegnato alla Croce Rossa i corpi di 4 ostaggi israeliani. Lo scrive il Times of Israel. Nel frattempo - scrivono media arabi - il personale della Icrc a Gaza è pronto ad accogliere centinaia di detenuti palestinesi che verranno liberati durante la notte a Gaza. Si tratta di circa 400 persone, la maggior parte arrestate dopo il 7 ottobre.

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