Italia e Estero

Hamas, contatti con mediatori per stop aggressione Israele

epa11970927 The rubble of destroyed buildings in the northern Gaza Strip, as seen from the Israeli side of the border near Sderot, Israel, 18 March 2025. The Israeli forces on 18 March confirmed they were carrying out 'extensive strikes' on targets in the Gaza Strip, following an Israeli prime minister's statement which ended the ceasefire in place since 19 January. According to provisional figures released by the Palestinian Health Minister, more than 300 people were killed in a series of overnight strikes in the Gaza Strip. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11970927 The rubble of destroyed buildings in the northern Gaza Strip, as seen from the Israeli side of the border near Sderot, Israel, 18 March 2025. The Israeli forces on 18 March confirmed they were carrying out 'extensive strikes' on targets in the Gaza Strip, following an Israeli prime minister's statement which ended the ceasefire in place since 19 January. According to provisional figures released by the Palestinian Health Minister, more than 300 people were killed in a series of overnight strikes in the Gaza Strip. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

GAZA, 18 MAR - Un funzionario di Hamas ha affermato che il movimento "sta lavorando con i mediatori per frenare l'aggressione di Israele". "Hamas ha aderito all'accordo di cessate il fuoco e lo ha implementato con precisione, ma l'occupazione israeliana ha rinnegato il suo impegno e lo ha annullato riprendendo l'aggressione e la guerra", ha detto un funzionario del movimento all'agenzia di stampa Afp. "Hamas e le fazioni della resistenza sono in sessione costante per valutare la situazione e stanno lavorando con i mediatori per frenare l'aggressione". Finora, Hamas non ha risposto agli attacchi israeliani.

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