Italia e Estero

Gli Usa vietano il software antivirus russo Kaspersky

epa07261856 ILLUSTRATION - A person sits in front of a computer screen in Moers, Germany, 04 January 2019. Reports on 04 January 2019 state personal data of hundreds of German politicians, celebrities and journalists have been hacked and posted online. The compromised data reportedly includes credit card details, private chat protocols and contact information. The data was allegedly shared via a Twitter account under the name G0d (@_0rbit) prior to Christmas 2018, which has been suspended in the meantime. EPA/SASCHA STEINBACH
epa07261856 ILLUSTRATION - A person sits in front of a computer screen in Moers, Germany, 04 January 2019. Reports on 04 January 2019 state personal data of hundreds of German politicians, celebrities and journalists have been hacked and posted online. The compromised data reportedly includes credit card details, private chat protocols and contact information. The data was allegedly shared via a Twitter account under the name G0d (@_0rbit) prior to Christmas 2018, which has been suspended in the meantime. EPA/SASCHA STEINBACH

NEW YORK, 20 GIU - L'amministrazione Biden vieta l'utilizzo in Usa del popolare software antivirus russo Kaspersky. "Al termine di un'approfondita indagine, vieteremo a Kaspersky Lab e alle sue società affiliate di fornire software per la cybersicurezza e antivirus negli Stati Uniti. Non sarà più in grado di vendere il suo software e gli aggiornamenti per quello esistente", ha detto la segretario al Commercio Gian Raimondo.

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