Italia e Estero

Giustiziate in Arabia Saudita 7 persone per 'terrorismo'

epa11014304 Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud waits for the arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin, ahead of their meeting at Al Yamamah Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 06 December 2023. During his one day working visits to UAE and Saudi Arabia, Putin will talk with the leaders of the countries, together with delegations that will include members of the government and representatives of the fuel and energy complex, and personally to discuss cooperation within OPEC+, Ukraine and the Middle East.  EPA/ALEXEI NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT
epa11014304 Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud waits for the arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin, ahead of their meeting at Al Yamamah Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 06 December 2023. During his one day working visits to UAE and Saudi Arabia, Putin will talk with the leaders of the countries, together with delegations that will include members of the government and representatives of the fuel and energy complex, and personally to discuss cooperation within OPEC+, Ukraine and the Middle East. EPA/ALEXEI NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT

RIAD, 27 FEB - L'Arabia Saudita ha oggi messo a morte sette persone giudicate colpevoli di "terrorismo". Lo hanno riferito i media statali. Si tratta del numero di esecuzioni più alto in un giorno da quando ne furono eseguite 81 sempre in un solo giorno nel marzo 2022. I sette, i cui nomi indicavano che si tratta di sauditi, sono stati condannati per "aver creato e finanziato organizzazioni ed entità terroristiche", ha affermato l'agenzia di stampa ufficiale saudita, citando il ministero degli Interni del Regno del Golfo.

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