Italia e Estero

Giappone: Ishiba eletto leader partito Ldp, futuro premier

epa11627673 Shigeru Ishiba speaks before a runoff election at the Liberal Democratic Party's (LDP) leadership election at the Liberal Democratic Party's (LDP) leadership election in Tokyo, Japan, 27 September 2024. The election will determine the party's new president, who is expected to become the next prime minister due to the LDP's majority in the National Diet. This election follows the decision of current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida not to seek re-election. EPA/HIRO KOMAE / POOL
epa11627673 Shigeru Ishiba speaks before a runoff election at the Liberal Democratic Party's (LDP) leadership election at the Liberal Democratic Party's (LDP) leadership election in Tokyo, Japan, 27 September 2024. The election will determine the party's new president, who is expected to become the next prime minister due to the LDP's majority in the National Diet. This election follows the decision of current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida not to seek re-election. EPA/HIRO KOMAE / POOL

TOKYO, 27 SET - È Shigeru Ishiba, ex ministro della Difesa e politico di lungo corso, il nuovo leader del conservatore Partito Liberal-democratico (Ldp) in Giappone, a capo della coalizione di governo, che controlla entrambe le camere del Parlamento e dunque quasi certo a diventare il nuovo premier del Paese del Sol Levante. Il 67enne Ishiba, al suo quinto tentativo, ha battuto al ballottaggio l'attuale ministra della Sicurezza Economica Sanae Takaichi. Il nuovo premier sarà eletto dal Parlamento in seduta comune il primo ottobre.

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