Italia e Estero

Germania: nuovo allerta acqua contaminata dopo sabotaggio

epa09520338 Rainwater tanks and filters at the entrance of a school, on 10 October 2021, in Caracas, Venezuela (issued 12 October 2021). The children of two schools in Petare, the largest neighborhood in Venezuela, attended classes with a bucket of water due to the constant failures of the service in the sector, but with the capture and treatment of water resources from the rains, promoted by the Lata de Agua social project, the liquid comes out of the taps again. The initiative is developed by the architects Ana Babic and Laurencio Sanchez from their company Arqbiental, in alliance with the Rayo de Luz foundation, with which they were able to install their pilot test in these two schools and an outpatient clinic. EPA/Miguel Gutierrez
epa09520338 Rainwater tanks and filters at the entrance of a school, on 10 October 2021, in Caracas, Venezuela (issued 12 October 2021). The children of two schools in Petare, the largest neighborhood in Venezuela, attended classes with a bucket of water due to the constant failures of the service in the sector, but with the capture and treatment of water resources from the rains, promoted by the Lata de Agua social project, the liquid comes out of the taps again. The initiative is developed by the architects Ana Babic and Laurencio Sanchez from their company Arqbiental, in alliance with the Rayo de Luz foundation, with which they were able to install their pilot test in these two schools and an outpatient clinic. EPA/Miguel Gutierrez

FRANCOFORTE SUL MENO, 16 AGO - Le autorità nell'ovest della Germania hanno lanciato un avviso a circa 10.000 residenti a non bere o usare l'acqua del rubinetto dopo che un buco tagliato nel recinto di un serbatoio d'acqua, che rifornisce anche una base militare della Nato a Colonia-Wahn, ha fatto temere un sabotaggio. L'allarme è stato diramato dal comune di Mechernich, vicino a Colonia, mentre si stanno ancora analizzando campioni dell'acqua potenzialmente contaminata in quello che si sospetta essere un atto di sabotaggio per il ruolo della Nato e della Germania in appoggio all'Ucraina nella guerra contro la Russia.

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