Italia e Estero

Georgescu invita i rumeni a recarsi ai seggi domani

epa11750810 Romanian far-right independent runoff candidate Calin Georgescu casts his ballot for the parliamentary elections at a polling station in Secondary School No. 1 in Mogosoaia village, near Bucharest, Romania, 01 December 2024. Approximately 18 million Romanian citizens are expected at the polling stations this weekend for choosing the bicameral parliament members, according to the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP), of which 989,230 people can express their intention abroad. Calin Georgescu led in the first round of the presidential race, winning 22.94 percent of the total number of votes, followed by Elena Lasconi, leader of the USR (Save Romania Union), with 19.18 percent. The second round of Romania's presidential election will be held on 08 December 2024. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
epa11750810 Romanian far-right independent runoff candidate Calin Georgescu casts his ballot for the parliamentary elections at a polling station in Secondary School No. 1 in Mogosoaia village, near Bucharest, Romania, 01 December 2024. Approximately 18 million Romanian citizens are expected at the polling stations this weekend for choosing the bicameral parliament members, according to the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP), of which 989,230 people can express their intention abroad. Calin Georgescu led in the first round of the presidential race, winning 22.94 percent of the total number of votes, followed by Elena Lasconi, leader of the USR (Save Romania Union), with 19.18 percent. The second round of Romania's presidential election will be held on 08 December 2024. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT

BUCAREST, 07 DIC - Il candidato presidenziale di estrema destra Calin Georgescu ha invitato i rumeni a recarsi ai seggi elettorali domani, dopo che la Corte costituzionale ha annullato il voto a causa del sospetto di un'ingerenza russa a suo favore. Georgescu "ritiene che il voto sia un diritto acquisito, per questo ritiene che i rumeni abbiano il diritto di presentarsi domani ai seggi elettorali", spiega un comunicato diffuso dal suo team elettorale, precisando che il candidato si recherà a un ufficio nella periferia della capitale Bucarest.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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