Italia e Estero

Gazprom interrompe le forniture di gas alla Moldavia

epa09912278 The area of the Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. at the branch in Rembelszczyzna near Warsaw, Poland, 27 April 2022. PGNiG received a letter from the Russian Gazprom announcing the complete suspension of supplies under the Yamal contract. PGNiG and GAZ-SYSTEM inform that currently all deliveries to customers are carried out in accordance with their needs. Both companies are monitoring the situation and are prepared for various scenarios. EPA/PAWEL SUPERNAK POLAND OUT
epa09912278 The area of the Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. at the branch in Rembelszczyzna near Warsaw, Poland, 27 April 2022. PGNiG received a letter from the Russian Gazprom announcing the complete suspension of supplies under the Yamal contract. PGNiG and GAZ-SYSTEM inform that currently all deliveries to customers are carried out in accordance with their needs. Both companies are monitoring the situation and are prepared for various scenarios. EPA/PAWEL SUPERNAK POLAND OUT

ROMA, 28 DIC - Gazprom azzererà le forniture di gas alla Moldavia dal primo gennaio 2025 a causa delle violazioni contrattuali del rifiuto di saldare il debito per le forniture. Lo ha reso noto la compagnia russa in un comunicato, come riporta la Tass. Gazprom ha inviato una notifica a Moldovagaz in cui si afferma che "sulla base delle disposizioni del contratto e delle norme applicabili della legislazione russa, Gazprom introdurrà una restrizione sulle forniture di gas naturale alla Repubblica di Moldavia a 0 metri cubi al giorno dalle 8 ora di Mosca del primo gennaio 2025".

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