Italia e Estero

Gaza, Usa chiedono voto Onu su bozza risoluzione per tregua

epa11043766 Palestinians search for bodies and survivors in the rubble of the destroyed house of the Manasra family following an Israeli air strike in the southern Gaza Strip, 25 December 2023. According to the Gaza Health Ministry, more than 70 Palestinians were killed following Israeli air strikes in Al Maghazi refugee camp. More than 60 members from two families were killed after an Israeli air strike, Palestinian civil defense said. Israeli forces resumed military strikes on Gaza after a week-long truce expired on 01 December. More than 20,000 Palestinians and at least 1,300 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank that followed it. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
epa11043766 Palestinians search for bodies and survivors in the rubble of the destroyed house of the Manasra family following an Israeli air strike in the southern Gaza Strip, 25 December 2023. According to the Gaza Health Ministry, more than 70 Palestinians were killed following Israeli air strikes in Al Maghazi refugee camp. More than 60 members from two families were killed after an Israeli air strike, Palestinian civil defense said. Israeli forces resumed military strikes on Gaza after a week-long truce expired on 01 December. More than 20,000 Palestinians and at least 1,300 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank that followed it. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER

WASHINGTON, 09 GIU - Gli Stati Uniti hanno annunciato di aver richiesto un voto del Consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu sulla loro bozza di risoluzione per un cessate il fuoco nella Striscia di Gaza "Oggi gli Stati Uniti hanno chiesto al Consiglio di sicurezza di procedere verso una votazione della bozza di risoluzione che sostiene la proposta sul tavolo", ha detto il portavoce della delegazione statunitense Nate Evans senza specificare la data della votazione.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
