Italia e Estero

Gaza, Hamas: oltre 16mila minori morti dall'inizio della guerra

epa11455944 Children move a cart with containers as displaced Palestinians collect drinking water from a water tanker at a makeshift camp in the Khan Yunis refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip, 03 July 2024. Since 07 October 2023, up to 1.7 million people, or more than 75 percent of the population, have been displaced throughout the Gaza Strip, some more than once, in search of safety, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which added that the Palestinian enclave is 'on the brink of famine', with 1.1 million people (half of its population) 'experiencing catastrophic food insecurity' due to the conflict and restrictions on humanitarian access. EPA/HAITHAM IMAD
epa11455944 Children move a cart with containers as displaced Palestinians collect drinking water from a water tanker at a makeshift camp in the Khan Yunis refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip, 03 July 2024. Since 07 October 2023, up to 1.7 million people, or more than 75 percent of the population, have been displaced throughout the Gaza Strip, some more than once, in search of safety, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which added that the Palestinian enclave is 'on the brink of famine', with 1.1 million people (half of its population) 'experiencing catastrophic food insecurity' due to the conflict and restrictions on humanitarian access. EPA/HAITHAM IMAD

ROMA, 13 LUG - L'ufficio stampa del governo della Striscia di Gaza gestito da Hamas afferma che sono 16.054 i "bambini" uccisi dall'inizio della guerra con Israele nell'enclave palestinese. Secondo la stessa fonte, le donne rimaste vittima del conflitto sono invece almeno 10.700 su un totale di 38.345 palestinesi uccisi dal 7 ottobre scorso. I dispersi sono circa 10mila, secondo Hamas. Il rapporto citato dai media arabi elenca anche le perdite materiali: almeno 80.000 unità abitative distrutte; 34 ospedali messi fuori servizio, con un totale di 161 istituzioni sanitarie prese di mira dagli attacchi israeliani; almeno 609 moschee e tre chiese distrutte, così come 115 istituti scolastici.

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