Italia e Estero

Gaza, Guterres: l'invasione di Rafah sarebbe intollerabile

epa11240913 Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres speaks during a press conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister (not pictured) at the foreign ministry office at the New Administrative Capital (NAC), Egypt, 24 March 2024. Guterres arrived in Egypt on 23 March as part of his annual Ramadan solidarity trip, during which he met with Egyptian officials and travelled to northern Sinai to meet with UN humanitarian workers in Rafah on the Egyptian side of border with Gaza. EPA/KHALED ELFIQI
epa11240913 Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres speaks during a press conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister (not pictured) at the foreign ministry office at the New Administrative Capital (NAC), Egypt, 24 March 2024. Guterres arrived in Egypt on 23 March as part of his annual Ramadan solidarity trip, during which he met with Egyptian officials and travelled to northern Sinai to meet with UN humanitarian workers in Rafah on the Egyptian side of border with Gaza. EPA/KHALED ELFIQI

NEW YORK, 06 MAG - L'invasione via terra di Rafah sarebbe "intollerabile" per le sue "devastanti conseguenze umanitarie e l'impatto destabilizzante nella regione". Lo ha detto il segretario generale dell'Onu Antonio Guterres incontrando il presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella. Guterres ha ricordato di aver lanciato un "forte appello a Israele e Hamas a concludere un accordo vitale, un'opportunita' che non si puo' perdere". Intanto sono almeno cinque i morti negli attacchi israeliani di ieri sera su Rafah, secondo fonti mediche locali.

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