Italia e Estero

Francia: Le Pen resta prima in termine di voti assoluti

epa11466321 Electoral posters of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella from the far-right party 'Rassemblement National' near to party headquarters one day after their defeat in the second round of the parliamentary elections, in Paris, France, 08 July 2024.France voted in the second round of the legislative elections on 07 July. According to the first official results, the left-wing New Popular Front (Nouveau Front populaire, NFP) was ahead of President Macron's party and Le Pen's far-right National Rally (RN). EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
epa11466321 Electoral posters of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella from the far-right party 'Rassemblement National' near to party headquarters one day after their defeat in the second round of the parliamentary elections, in Paris, France, 08 July 2024.France voted in the second round of the legislative elections on 07 July. According to the first official results, the left-wing New Popular Front (Nouveau Front populaire, NFP) was ahead of President Macron's party and Le Pen's far-right National Rally (RN). EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON

PARIGI, 08 LUG - Questi i voti raccolti dai principali partiti al secondo turno delle legislative in Francia, secondo i dati del ministero dell'Interno: il Rassemblement National di Marine Le Pen ottiene 8.745.240 di consensi (il 32,05%), mentre al primo turno di domenica 30 giugno aveva incassato 9.379.092 voti (il 29,25%); il Nuovo Fronte Popolare ha avuto 7.005.514 preferenze (il 25,68%) contro gli 8.995.226 (28,06%) del primo turno; Ensemble! (i macroniani) conta su 6.314.418 di voti (il 23,14%), contro i 6.425.707 (il 20,04%) della settimana scorsa. Infine Les Républicains sono stati votati da 1.474.648 di francesi (il 5,41%): al primo turno avevano 2.106.166 di voti (il 6,57%).

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
