Italia e Estero

Francia: l'affluenza si conferma record, alle 17 è 59,71%

epa11465037 People fill their ballots inside booths during the second round of French parliamentary elections at a polling station in the 18th District in Paris, France, 07 July 2024. After the first round of the legislative elections, in which the far-right party National Rally (RN) made significant gains, France is voting again in the second round on 07 July. The results are expected around 20h00 local time. EPA/ANDRE PAIN
epa11465037 People fill their ballots inside booths during the second round of French parliamentary elections at a polling station in the 18th District in Paris, France, 07 July 2024. After the first round of the legislative elections, in which the far-right party National Rally (RN) made significant gains, France is voting again in the second round on 07 July. The results are expected around 20h00 local time. EPA/ANDRE PAIN

PARIGI, 07 LUG - L'affluenza al ballottaggio delle legislative in Francia si conferma a livelli record: secondo i dati del ministero dell'Interno, alle 17 ha votato il 59,71% degli aventi diritto, contro il 59,39% di una settimana fa alla stessa ora.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
