Italia e Estero

Francia: i dissidenti Insoumis fondano un movimento, 'L'Après'

epa11450635 Parliamentary election candidates Alexis Corbiere (L), Raquel Garrido (2-L), and Danielle Simonnet (R), and Clementine Autain (2-R), reelected member of the National Assembly of France and member of the French extreme-left party La France Insoumise (LFI), hold a press conference in Paris, France, 01 July 2024. LFI has withdrawn its support for Alexis Corbiere, Raquel Garrido, and Danielle Simonnet, candidates in the ongoing Parliamentary election, following the first round of the legislative election, and presented opposing candidates against them. The second round of the vote will take place on 07 July 2024. EPA/MOHAMMED BADRA
epa11450635 Parliamentary election candidates Alexis Corbiere (L), Raquel Garrido (2-L), and Danielle Simonnet (R), and Clementine Autain (2-R), reelected member of the National Assembly of France and member of the French extreme-left party La France Insoumise (LFI), hold a press conference in Paris, France, 01 July 2024. LFI has withdrawn its support for Alexis Corbiere, Raquel Garrido, and Danielle Simonnet, candidates in the ongoing Parliamentary election, following the first round of the legislative election, and presented opposing candidates against them. The second round of the vote will take place on 07 July 2024. EPA/MOHAMMED BADRA

PARIGI, 12 LUG - I dissidenti de La France Insoumise, usciti dal partito di Jean-Luc Mélenchon negli ultimi giorni, hanno annunciato in una conferenza stampa il lancio ufficiale di un nuovo movimento, battezzato 'L'Après (Il dopo), Associazione per la Repubblica ecologica e sociale'. Secondo i leader del movimento, Clémentine Autain, Raquel Garrido, Alexis Corbière, Daniel Simonnet, Hendrik Davi e Olivier Malaude, il movimento dovrebbe rappresentare "un incubatore per un processo costitutivo di una nuova forza radicale, unitaria e democratica". Non è entrato nel nuovo movimento il principale fra i responsabili della fronda contro Mélenchon, François Ruffin.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
