Italia e Estero

Exit poll Austria, il partito di estrema destra in testa

epa11399202 Harald Vilimsky, top candidate for the European elections of the far-right Austria Freedom Party (FPOe), arrives at a polling station to cast his vote for the European elections, in Vienna, Austria, 09 June 2024. The European Parliament elections take place across EU member states from 06 to 09 June 2024, with the elections in Austria taking place on 09 June 2024. EPA/CHRISTIAN BRUNA
epa11399202 Harald Vilimsky, top candidate for the European elections of the far-right Austria Freedom Party (FPOe), arrives at a polling station to cast his vote for the European elections, in Vienna, Austria, 09 June 2024. The European Parliament elections take place across EU member states from 06 to 09 June 2024, with the elections in Austria taking place on 09 June 2024. EPA/CHRISTIAN BRUNA

VIENNA, 09 GIU - Il partito di estrema destra Fpo è in testa alle elezioni europee in Austria, secondo gli exit poll pubblicati dai principali media. Fpo ha ottenuto il 27% dei voti, diventando per la prima volta la forza politica più importante nel Paese alpino.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
