Exit poll Amburgo, vince l'SPD con il 33,5%

epa11930450 Minister President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Manuela Schwesig (L) of SPD and Outgoing German Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (C) of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) leave the Jakob-Kaiser-Haus, where the CDU/CSU and SPD negotiators hold their first exploratory talks, in Berlin, Germany, 28 February 2025. EPA/FILIP SINGER
BERLINO, 02 MAR - Alle elezioni ad Amburgo, in Germania, stando agli exit poll della ARD, l'Spd vince con 33,5, i Verdi hanno ottenuto il 17,5%, la Cdu il 19,5%, la Linke l'11,4%, l'ultradestra di Afd l'8,5, l'Fdp il 2,3% e la Bsw 2,1%.
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