Italia e Estero

Ex cancelliere austriaco Kurz condannato per falsa testimonianza

epaselect epa11174158 Former Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, arrives for the 12th day of his trial at a courtroom in Vienna, Austria, 23 February 2024. The Austrian Economic and Corruption Prosecutor's Office accused former chancellor Kurz and former cabinet chief at the Chancellery Bernhard Bonelli of having given false testimony as a respondent in the 'Ibiza-gate' Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry in 2021 and 2022, as well as statements made in the preliminary investigation, an offense punishable by up to three years of imprisonment. The 'Ibiza-gate' scandal brought down the right-wing coalition government in Austria in May 2019, when a video emerged of former Vice Chancellor Heinz Christian Strache and several other people, filmed in a villa on the Spanish island of Ibiza.  EPA/CHRISTIAN BRUNA
epaselect epa11174158 Former Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, arrives for the 12th day of his trial at a courtroom in Vienna, Austria, 23 February 2024. The Austrian Economic and Corruption Prosecutor's Office accused former chancellor Kurz and former cabinet chief at the Chancellery Bernhard Bonelli of having given false testimony as a respondent in the 'Ibiza-gate' Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry in 2021 and 2022, as well as statements made in the preliminary investigation, an offense punishable by up to three years of imprisonment. The 'Ibiza-gate' scandal brought down the right-wing coalition government in Austria in May 2019, when a video emerged of former Vice Chancellor Heinz Christian Strache and several other people, filmed in a villa on the Spanish island of Ibiza. EPA/CHRISTIAN BRUNA

BOLZANO, 23 FEB - L'ex cancelliere austriaco Sebastian Kurz è stato condannato nel processo per falsa testimonianza. L'ex leader dei popolari Övp, che ha sempre respinto le accuse, non ha detto il vero davanti alla commissione d'inchiesta sullo scandalo 'Ibiza' dell'ex leader Fpö Heinz Christian Strache, così l'accusa della Procura per reati economici ed anti-corruzione Wksta. Il processo si base in prima linea sulle chat di Thomas Schmid, ex ceo della holding di partecipazioni statali Oebag ed ex uomo di fiducia di Kurz che ora però collabora con gli inquirenti. L'interesse mediatico è enorme. L'ex cancelliere ed ex leader dei popolari austriaci è stato condannato a otto mesi con la condizionale. E' invece di sei mesi con la condizionale la pena inflitta al suo ex capo di gabinetto, Bernhard Bonelli, nell'ambito dello stesso processo.

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