Italia e Estero

Esercito israeliano, neutralizzato obiettivo aereo da Libano

epa11563783 A Hezbollah unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) crossing from Lebanon gets intercepted by an Israeli fighter jet over an area near the Lebanon-Israel border, as seen from northern Israel, 25 August 2024. The Israeli military stated that Israeli Air Force fighter jets are currently striking targets belonging to the Hezbollah organization that posed an imminent threat to the citizens of the State of Israel. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11563783 A Hezbollah unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) crossing from Lebanon gets intercepted by an Israeli fighter jet over an area near the Lebanon-Israel border, as seen from northern Israel, 25 August 2024. The Israeli military stated that Israeli Air Force fighter jets are currently striking targets belonging to the Hezbollah organization that posed an imminent threat to the citizens of the State of Israel. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

ROMA, 30 SET - I caccia della difesa aerea dell'esercito israeliano hanno intercettato e neutralizzato un "obiettivo aereo sospetto" che ha oltrepassato il confine proveniente dal Libano. Lo ha comunicato - come riporta The times of Israel - l'Idf, precisando che le sirene lanciarazzi sono state attivate nella zona della città di Ramot Naftali, al confine settentrionale, a causa della caduta di frammenti dopo la distruzione del razzo.

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