Italia e Estero

Erdogan, 'metodi genocidi Netanyahu farebbero invidia a Hitler'

epa11334667 An anti-Israel billboard depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Adolf Hitler and carrying a sentence that reads in Persian 'The murder of more than 35,000 humans in Gaza', in Tehran, Iran, 12 May 2024. Tension between Iran and Israel continues since Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) launched drones and missiles towards Israel on 13 April 2024, following an airstrike on the Iranian embassy in Syria, which Iran claimed was conducted by Israel. Iranian state media reported that three aerial objects were destroyed by air defense systems over the central city of Isfahan in the early morning of 19 April 2024. EPA/ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH
epa11334667 An anti-Israel billboard depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Adolf Hitler and carrying a sentence that reads in Persian 'The murder of more than 35,000 humans in Gaza', in Tehran, Iran, 12 May 2024. Tension between Iran and Israel continues since Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) launched drones and missiles towards Israel on 13 April 2024, following an airstrike on the Iranian embassy in Syria, which Iran claimed was conducted by Israel. Iranian state media reported that three aerial objects were destroyed by air defense systems over the central city of Isfahan in the early morning of 19 April 2024. EPA/ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH

ROMA, 12 MAG - Il premier israeliano, Benyamin Netanyahu, "con i suoi metodi genocidi ha raggiunto un livello tale da fare ingelosire Hitler": lo ha dichiarato il presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in un'intervista al quotidiano greco "Kathimerini" ripresa dalla stampa turca. Intervista concessa, alla vigilia della visita ad Ankara del primo ministro greco, Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Dall'inizio della guerra a Gaza, il leader turco ha più volte paragonato il premier israeliano a Hitler.

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