Erdogan conferma, 'San Salvatore in Chora è una moschea'
![epa11322058 People visit the historic Chora Mosque during the its reopening day as a mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, 06 May 2024. Built in the 4th century as Chora Church, it was converted into a mosque around 1511 following the conquest of Constantinople the by Ottoman Empire. In 1945 it was transformed into a museum by decision of the Turkish government. Uopn decree of Turkish President Erdogan on 01 August 2020, work began to convert it into a mosque again and officially opened as a Mosque on 06 May 2024. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN](
epa11322058 People visit the historic Chora Mosque during the its reopening day as a mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, 06 May 2024. Built in the 4th century as Chora Church, it was converted into a mosque around 1511 following the conquest of Constantinople the by Ottoman Empire. In 1945 it was transformed into a museum by decision of the Turkish government. Uopn decree of Turkish President Erdogan on 01 August 2020, work began to convert it into a mosque again and officially opened as a Mosque on 06 May 2024. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
ANKARA, 13 MAG - Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha confermato la conversione in moschea della chiesa ortodossa di San Salvatore in Chora a Istanbul, tesoro dell'eredità bizantina, nonostante le richieste di Atene. "La moschea Kariye (il suo nome turco) nella sua nuova identità resta aperta a tutti", ha dichiarato Erdogan in conferenza stampa con il primo ministro greco Kyriakos Mitsotakis, che lo aveva invitato a rivedere la decisione decretata nel 2020. In risposta, il leader greco ha espresso a Erdogan la sua "insoddisfazione" per la conferma della conversione della chiesa in moschea.
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