Italia e Estero

Erdogan, attacchi a Gaza come il massacro di Srebrenica

epa11469274 Displaced Palestinians set up their tents inside the Asdaa amusement park, west of Khan Yunis camp, south of the Gaza Strip, 09 July 2024. Since 07 October 2023, up to 1.7 million people, or more than 75 percent of the population, have been displaced throughout the Gaza Strip, some more than once, in search of safety, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which added that the Palestinian enclave is 'on the brink of famine', with 1.1 million people (half of its population) 'experiencing catastrophic food insecurity' due to the conflict and restrictions on humanitarian access. EPA/HAITHAM IMAD
epa11469274 Displaced Palestinians set up their tents inside the Asdaa amusement park, west of Khan Yunis camp, south of the Gaza Strip, 09 July 2024. Since 07 October 2023, up to 1.7 million people, or more than 75 percent of the population, have been displaced throughout the Gaza Strip, some more than once, in search of safety, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which added that the Palestinian enclave is 'on the brink of famine', with 1.1 million people (half of its population) 'experiencing catastrophic food insecurity' due to the conflict and restrictions on humanitarian access. EPA/HAITHAM IMAD

ISTANBUL, 11 LUG - "Oggi, il popolo palestinese a Gaza e nei territorio occupati è esposto a una brutalità simile a quella vissuta a Srebrenica 29 anni fa". Lo ha affermato il presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "Istituzioni e organizzazioni internazionali stanno semplicemente assistendo all'uccisione di circa 40mila innocenti, tra cui 16mila bambini, come 29 anni fa", ha detto il leader turco in un videomessaggio in occasione dell'anniversario del genocidio a Srebrenica durante la guerra in Bosnia-Erzegovina. "Come per Srebrenica, i responsabili della barbarie a Gaza prima o poi saranno giudicati davanti alla legge internazionale", ha aggiunto.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
