Italia e Estero

Ecuador, uccisa la direttrice del carcere Litoral

epa11088561 A handout photo made available by the Ecuadorian Armed Forces of an intervention by the Litoral Penitentiary, after a riot in the prison center erupted in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 18 January 2024. A large contingent of police and soldiers entered the Guayaquil Regional Prison where Jose Adolfo Macias Villamar 'Fito', the leader of the criminal gang 'Los Choneros,' escaped on 07 January. During the intervention, the police and the military immobilized the half-naked prisoners in one of the patios to carry out an exhaustive search of the cells in search of weapons and prohibited objects. EPA/ARMED FORCES OF ECUADOR / HANDOUT ONLY AVAILABLE TO ILLUSTRATE THE ACCOMPANYING STORY/CREDIT MANDATORY HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa11088561 A handout photo made available by the Ecuadorian Armed Forces of an intervention by the Litoral Penitentiary, after a riot in the prison center erupted in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 18 January 2024. A large contingent of police and soldiers entered the Guayaquil Regional Prison where Jose Adolfo Macias Villamar 'Fito', the leader of the criminal gang 'Los Choneros,' escaped on 07 January. During the intervention, the police and the military immobilized the half-naked prisoners in one of the patios to carry out an exhaustive search of the cells in search of weapons and prohibited objects. EPA/ARMED FORCES OF ECUADOR / HANDOUT ONLY AVAILABLE TO ILLUSTRATE THE ACCOMPANYING STORY/CREDIT MANDATORY HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

GUAYAQUIL, 12 SET - La direttrice della prigione più grande dell'Ecuador, Litoral, è stata uccisa in un attacco armato. Maria Daniela Icaza, direttrice del famigerato penitenziario Litoral nella città portuale di Guayaquil, è morta per le ferite riportate "in seguito a un attacco armato sulla strada" che portava alla vicina città di Daule. Icaza è morta durante il trasporto in ospedale. Ferito un funzionario del servizio carcerario che viaggiava con lei. Solo nove giorni fa era stato ucciso il del direttore di una prigione nella provincia amazzonica di Sucumbios, Alex Guevara.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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