Ecuador, primo exit poll: Noboa 50,12%; González 42,21%
![epa11885043 Lavinia Valbonesi, wife of the president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, casts her vote during Ecuador's presidential and legislative elections in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 09 February 2025. The general voting for the presidential and legislative elections in Ecuador began with more than 13.7 million voters called to the polls to elect their authorities for the period 2025-2029, with the current president, Daniel Noboa, and the candidate from the Correismo movement, Luisa Gonzalez, as the favorites for the presidency. EPA/MAURICIO TORRES](
epa11885043 Lavinia Valbonesi, wife of the president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, casts her vote during Ecuador's presidential and legislative elections in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 09 February 2025. The general voting for the presidential and legislative elections in Ecuador began with more than 13.7 million voters called to the polls to elect their authorities for the period 2025-2029, with the current president, Daniel Noboa, and the candidate from the Correismo movement, Luisa Gonzalez, as the favorites for the presidency. EPA/MAURICIO TORRES
QUITO, 09 FEB - Secondo il primo exit poll, condotto dallo statistico Diego Tello per l'azienda Estrategas, reso noto poco fa dalla televisione TeleAmazonas Ecuador, il presidente uscente e candidato, Daniel Noboa, di destra, avrebbe ottenuto alle presidenziali di oggi il 50,12% dei suffragi, mentre l'avvocatessa Luisa González, di sinistra, si sarebbe fermata al 42,21%. Tra tutti gli altri 14 candidati, due hanno ottenuto meno del 2% e 12 molto meno dell'1%. Si tratta di un exit poll con un margine di errore di 2,98 punti percentuali in più o in meno condotto su un campione di 28 mila interviste, ha fatto sapere lo stesso Tello poco fa.
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