Italia e Estero

'Dopo attacco russo,interruzioni di corrente in tutta l'Ucraina'

epa11304559 Communal workers operate at the site of a rocket attack on a regional psychiatric hospital in Kharkiv, northeastern Ukraine, 27 April 2024. According to the Regional Prosecutor's Office Russia hit the city with two missiles of the S-300 type from the territory of the Belgorod region. In total, Russia used 34 air, ground, and sea-based missiles for the night time shelling of Ukraine as Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces reported. 21 were shot down by Ukrainian troops. As a result of the attack, the enterprise equipment of the four thermal power plants was seriously damaged according to the DTEK Group energy holding report. EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV
epa11304559 Communal workers operate at the site of a rocket attack on a regional psychiatric hospital in Kharkiv, northeastern Ukraine, 27 April 2024. According to the Regional Prosecutor's Office Russia hit the city with two missiles of the S-300 type from the territory of the Belgorod region. In total, Russia used 34 air, ground, and sea-based missiles for the night time shelling of Ukraine as Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces reported. 21 were shot down by Ukrainian troops. As a result of the attack, the enterprise equipment of the four thermal power plants was seriously damaged according to the DTEK Group energy holding report. EPA/SERGEY KOZLOV

ROMA, 08 MAG - "A causa dei danni causati alle centrali elettriche dall'ultimo massiccio attacco della Russia, potrebbero essere introdotte restrizioni alla fornitura di energia elettrica in tutta l'Ucraina tra le 18 e le 23", ha fatto sapere l'azienda nazionale Ukrenergo, come riferisce Ukrinform. Nella notte i bombardamenti russi hanno danneggiato gli impianti di produzione di energia termica e idroelettrica e si è verificata una carenza nel sistema energetico. "Il centro operativo di Ukrenergo sta adottando tutte le misure disponibili per superare il deficit, in particolare le importazioni e l'assistenza di emergenza dai sistemi energetici dei Paesi dell'Ue ( Romania, Slovacchia, Polonia, Ungheria e Moldavia)", ha dichiarato la società.

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