Da Usa nuova proposta a Israele e Hamas per cessate fuoco

epa11891206 Palestinians travel from the southern Gaza Strip towards the north following the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Netzarim Corridor, central Gaza Strip, 12 February 2025. Israel and Hamas implemented the first phase of a hostage release and ceasefire deal on 19 January 2025. More than 48,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, since Israel launched a military campaign in the strip in response to a cross-border attack led by the Palestinian militant group Hamas on 07 October 2023, in which about 1,200 Israelis were killed and more than 250 taken hostage. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
NEW YORK, 13 MAR - Gli Stati Uniti hanno presentato a Israele e Hamas una nuova proposta per estendere il cessate il fuoco a Gaza. Lo riporta Axios citando alcune fonti, secondo le quali la nuova iniziativa include un cessate il fuoco a Gaza fino a dopo il Ramadam e la Pasqua ebraica, che finisce il 20 aprile, oltre alla ripresa degli aiuti umanitari a Gaza.
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