Italia e Estero

Cortei in Francia, per France Insoumise 160.000 a Parigi

epa11591147 Leader of the left-wing party La France Insoumise (LFI) Jean-Luc Melenchon (L) attends a protest rally in Paris, France, 07 September 2024 as the French left parties called for rallies against President Macron's politics. Protests are taking place across France over the appointment of Michel Barnier as the new French prime minister, after the election that resulted in a National Assembly without a majority and in which the left won the largest number of seats. EPA/YOAN VALAT
epa11591147 Leader of the left-wing party La France Insoumise (LFI) Jean-Luc Melenchon (L) attends a protest rally in Paris, France, 07 September 2024 as the French left parties called for rallies against President Macron's politics. Protests are taking place across France over the appointment of Michel Barnier as the new French prime minister, after the election that resulted in a National Assembly without a majority and in which the left won the largest number of seats. EPA/YOAN VALAT

PARIGI, 07 SET - Sono 160.000 i partecipanti al corteo di protesta contro Emmanuel Macron a Parigi, 300.000 nelle 150 manifestazioni in corso in tutta la Francia: queste le cifre di Lfi, La France Insoumise, la sinistra radicale che è all'origine dell'iniziativa di protesta. Fonti della polizia ridimensionano il dato a 26 mila partecipanti alla manifestazione di Parigi.

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