Italia e Estero

Corea del Sud, primo sciopero alla Samsung Electronics

epa11376816 Unionized members of Samsung Electronics Co. hold a news conference in front of the tech giant's headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, 29 May 2024, declaring the start of a strike against the company's allegedly uncompromising attitude in negotiations on working conditions. The strike is the first of its kind since the company's founding in 1969. EPA/YONHAP SOUTH KOREA OUT
epa11376816 Unionized members of Samsung Electronics Co. hold a news conference in front of the tech giant's headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, 29 May 2024, declaring the start of a strike against the company's allegedly uncompromising attitude in negotiations on working conditions. The strike is the first of its kind since the company's founding in 1969. EPA/YONHAP SOUTH KOREA OUT

SEUL, 07 GIU - Primo sciopero in assoluto per i lavoratori del colosso tecnologico Samsung Electronics in Corea del Sud. L'astensione dal lavoro è prevista il 7 giugno. "Il primo sciopero alla Samsung Electronics avrà luogo attraverso l'utilizzo delle ferie retribuite, e risulta chiaro che molti dipendenti vi parteciperanno", ha detto Son Woo-mok, capo dell'Unione nazionale Samsung Electronics.

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