Italia e Estero

Corea del Nord, campagna di disturbo sui segnali GPS

epa05244253 South Korean Public Safety Minister Park In-yong (R) is briefed on the operation of Global Positioning System (GPS) signals and radar aboard a maritime vessel off Taean, on the west coast of South Korea, 05 April 2016. According to media reports, the South Korean government suspects that North Korea has been disrupting GPS signals in South Korea, affecting hundreds of airplanes and vessels that rely on the system for navigation. EPA/YONHAP SOUTH KOREA OUT
epa05244253 South Korean Public Safety Minister Park In-yong (R) is briefed on the operation of Global Positioning System (GPS) signals and radar aboard a maritime vessel off Taean, on the west coast of South Korea, 05 April 2016. According to media reports, the South Korean government suspects that North Korea has been disrupting GPS signals in South Korea, affecting hundreds of airplanes and vessels that rely on the system for navigation. EPA/YONHAP SOUTH KOREA OUT

SEUL, 09 NOV - La Corea del Nord sta conducendo da ieri una campagna di disturbo del segnale GPS che ha colpito diverse imbarcazioni e dozzine di aerei civili in Corea del Sud. Lo ha denunciato l'esercito sudcoreano. "La Corea del Nord ha effettuato provocatorie interferenze GPS da Haeju e Kaesong ieri (venerdì) e oggi (sabato)", hanno detto in una nota i capi di stato maggiore congiunti di Seoul, aggiungendo che navi e dozzine di aerei civili hanno subito "alcune interruzioni operative".

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