Italia e Estero

Congo, condanna Usa a violazioni tregua da parte dei ribelli

epa11721483 Internally displaced people (IDPs) gather to meet with the Director of OCHA's Operations and Advocacy Division at a makeshift camp in Minova, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, 14 November 2024. Director of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)'s Operations and Advocacy Division, Edem Wosornu visited a camp for displaced people on 14 November, where difficult access and logistical challenges are disrupting efforts to deliver humanitarian assistance to more than 300,000 people who have been displaced for more than six months due to ongoing clashes between the 23 March Movement (M23) rebel group and the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC). DR Congo has traded accusations with neighboring Rwanda over alleged support for proxies in the ongoing conflict, the UN said. EPA/MOISE KASEREKA
epa11721483 Internally displaced people (IDPs) gather to meet with the Director of OCHA's Operations and Advocacy Division at a makeshift camp in Minova, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, 14 November 2024. Director of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)'s Operations and Advocacy Division, Edem Wosornu visited a camp for displaced people on 14 November, where difficult access and logistical challenges are disrupting efforts to deliver humanitarian assistance to more than 300,000 people who have been displaced for more than six months due to ongoing clashes between the 23 March Movement (M23) rebel group and the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC). DR Congo has traded accusations with neighboring Rwanda over alleged support for proxies in the ongoing conflict, the UN said. EPA/MOISE KASEREKA

WASHINGTON, 06 GEN - Gli Stati Uniti hanno condannato le "sfacciate violazioni del cessate il fuoco" nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo da parte dei ribelli M23 sostenuti dal Ruanda, che nel fine settimana hanno preso il controllo di una città chiave nell'est. "I continui progressi dell'M23, inclusa la presa della città di Masisi questo fine settimana, danneggiano gli sforzi per raggiungere una pace nella parte orientale del Congo, danneggiando e sfollando i civili nell'area", ha detto in una nota il portavoce del Dipartimento di Stato Matthew Miller. "L'M23 deve cessare immediatamente le ostilità e rispettare il cessate il fuoco."

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