Italia e Estero

Columbia espelle alcuni studenti pro-palestinesi

epa11313247 Students and other supporters of pro-Palestine students, expressing their disapproval of having police on campus, gather outside Columbia University campus to protest in New York, USA, 01 May 2024. A university spokesperson said the New York Police Department (NYPD) came to campus on 30 April night, where they detained dozens of protestors and cleared the encampment, at the request of the University. The University also asked for a continued police presence for at least few weeks. EPA/SARAH YENESEL
epa11313247 Students and other supporters of pro-Palestine students, expressing their disapproval of having police on campus, gather outside Columbia University campus to protest in New York, USA, 01 May 2024. A university spokesperson said the New York Police Department (NYPD) came to campus on 30 April night, where they detained dozens of protestors and cleared the encampment, at the request of the University. The University also asked for a continued police presence for at least few weeks. EPA/SARAH YENESEL

NEW YORK, 13 MAR - La Columbia University ha espulso o sospeso alcuni degli studenti che hanno partecipato alle proteste pro-palestinesi dello scorso anno, inclusi quelli che hanno occupato la Hamilton House. Lo ha annunciato l'ateneo, sottolineando che ad alcuni studenti è stato revocato il titolo di studio. La decisione segue l'arresto da parte delle autorità dell'attivista Mahmoud Khalil, ritenuto l'organizzatore delle proteste.

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