Italia e Estero

Citrobacter in pediatria Verona,prosciolti ex primario e altri 6

epa09472059 Yemeni doctors care for two-headed conjoined twin female babies inside an incubator a few hours after they were born at the neonatal intensive care unit of a hospital in Sana'a, Yemen, 16 September 2021. A Yemeni woman, 27, gave birth to two twin girls who are physically joined together at the chest, abdomen and pelvis. The two conjoined girls are in one body with two heads, two backbones and share the pelvis and limbs of three hands and three legs. The newborn twins, born to a Yemeni couple who live in Sana’a, are in fairly stable health so far, doctors in charge of the case at a Sana'a hospital said. The two-headed female body is a rare and complicated medical predicament requiring urgent medical treatment abroad as the medical capabilities in war-ridden Yemen are very poor, the doctors added. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa09472059 Yemeni doctors care for two-headed conjoined twin female babies inside an incubator a few hours after they were born at the neonatal intensive care unit of a hospital in Sana'a, Yemen, 16 September 2021. A Yemeni woman, 27, gave birth to two twin girls who are physically joined together at the chest, abdomen and pelvis. The two conjoined girls are in one body with two heads, two backbones and share the pelvis and limbs of three hands and three legs. The newborn twins, born to a Yemeni couple who live in Sana’a, are in fairly stable health so far, doctors in charge of the case at a Sana'a hospital said. The two-headed female body is a rare and complicated medical predicament requiring urgent medical treatment abroad as the medical capabilities in war-ridden Yemen are very poor, the doctors added. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

VERONA, 05 DIC - Sono stati prosciolti dalle accuse, in udienza preliminare, l'ex direttore della Pediatria di Verona Paolo Biban, e gli altri 6 tra ex e attuali dirigenti medici, tra cui l'ex dg dell'azienda ospedaliera Franceco Cobello, coinvolti nell''inchiesta sulla infezione da Citrobacter koseri nel reparto infantile veronese. Il non luogo a procedere è stato deciso dalla gip Livia Magri. Biban, assistito dagli avvocati Alessandro Keller e Stefano Putinati, era accusato di omicidio colposo e lesioni personali colpose ai danni di due neonati A far scoppiare il caso erano state nel 2020 le denunce presentate dai genitori di quattro neonati morti per l'infezione. Un centinaio erano stati i bimbi contagiati. Nove di essi avevano riportato gravi deficit permanenti.

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