Italia e Estero

Cisgiordania, media: 19enne ucciso da soldati israeliani

epa11131469 Palestinians stand in line on a road closed by the Israeli Army as security is increased after a Palestinian was killed at the Beit Furik checkpoint near Nablus, West Bank, 06 February 2024. According to the Israeli Army, a Palestinian man was killed after allegedly he tried to attack Israeli soldiers at the checkpoint.  EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
epa11131469 Palestinians stand in line on a road closed by the Israeli Army as security is increased after a Palestinian was killed at the Beit Furik checkpoint near Nablus, West Bank, 06 February 2024. According to the Israeli Army, a Palestinian man was killed after allegedly he tried to attack Israeli soldiers at the checkpoint. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH

ROMA, 11 FEB - L'emittente araba Al Jazeera e l'agenzia di stampa palestinese Wafa affermano che un ragazzo di 19 anni è stato ucciso ieri sera con un colpo d'arma da fuoco alla testa da soldati israeliani mentre era a bordo di un veicolo a Kharb al-Lahm, in Cisgiordania.

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