Italia e Estero

Chiuso lo spazio aereo del Belgio, 'problema tecnico'

epa09651609 Passenger check in at Brussels Airlines counter as on-board staff of the airline start a 24-hour strike at Brussels Airport in Zaventem, Belgium, 20 December 2021. The on-board staff of Brussels Airlines are on strike to denounce too much pressure at work and the non-respect of several collective labor agreements. Due to the strike, 57 out of 116 flights were canceled, affecting 25 percent of the company's passengers. EPA/STEPHANIE LECOCQ
epa09651609 Passenger check in at Brussels Airlines counter as on-board staff of the airline start a 24-hour strike at Brussels Airport in Zaventem, Belgium, 20 December 2021. The on-board staff of Brussels Airlines are on strike to denounce too much pressure at work and the non-respect of several collective labor agreements. Due to the strike, 57 out of 116 flights were canceled, affecting 25 percent of the company's passengers. EPA/STEPHANIE LECOCQ

BRUXELLES, 30 GEN - Lo spazio aereo del Belgio è attualmente chiuso a causa di un problema tecnico a Skeyes, la società pubblica belga responsabile del controllo del traffico aereo. Lo rende noto Brussels Airport, la società che gestisce lo scalo principale di Zaventem, precisando di non sapere al momento quanto durerà la chiusura.

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