Italia e Estero

Chiesta riunione urgente su Rafah domani del Consiglio Onu

epa11287565 Members of the United Nations Security Council raise their hand to indicate their vote to approve United Nations membership for Palestine during a Security Council meeting at United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 18 April 2024. The United States voted against a Palestinian membership request by using their veto power. EPA/SARAH YENESEL
epa11287565 Members of the United Nations Security Council raise their hand to indicate their vote to approve United Nations membership for Palestine during a Security Council meeting at United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 18 April 2024. The United States voted against a Palestinian membership request by using their veto power. EPA/SARAH YENESEL

NEW YORK, 27 MAG - L'Algeria ha chiesto una riunione urgente del Consiglio di Sicurezza Onu per discutere gli ultimi raid israeliani a Rafah. Lo riferiscono all'ANSA fonti diplomatiche del Cds, precisando che si tratta di una riunione a porte chiuse e che dovrebbe tenersi alle 15.30 locali, le 21.30 italiane.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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