Italia e Estero

Ceo Tiktok dopo bando Usa, 'ricorreremo e vinceremo'

epa10351129 The Tiktok application logo is pictured on a smartphone in Taipei, Taiwan, 06 December 2022. On 02 December, the The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned about Tiktok, that it presents national security concerns in regards to the integrity of the application's algorithm. On 05 December, a Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) official announced that the application have been deemed to be 'harmful product against national information security.' EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa10351129 The Tiktok application logo is pictured on a smartphone in Taipei, Taiwan, 06 December 2022. On 02 December, the The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned about Tiktok, that it presents national security concerns in regards to the integrity of the application's algorithm. On 05 December, a Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) official announced that the application have been deemed to be 'harmful product against national information security.' EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO

WASHINGTON, 24 APR - "State tranquilli: non andremo da nessuna parte... i fatti e la Costituzione sono dalla nostra parte e ci aspettiamo di vincere ancora": lo ha detto il ceo di TikTok Shou Zi Chew preannunciando un ricorso legale in un video pubblicato pochi istanti dopo che Joe Biden ha firmato il disegno di legge che concede alla cinese ByteDance 270 giorni per cedere le attività statunitensi di Tiktok.

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